Background Image
[~] λ git status
dBeatsdBeats, a web3 DJ suite and marketplace powered by ERC-721. Built at ETHGlobal NYC 2023. Winner of $6000+ in prizes.
<<React.js>> <<TailwindCSS>> <<Node.js>> <<Hardhat>> <<Solidity>> <<OAuth>>
[~] λ git fetch dBeats.git
[~] λ git status
Wotion.coWotion is an open-source library of fully customizable, dynamic widgets for Notion. 10,000+ Users, 50+ Github Stars.
<<React.js>> <<Chakra UI>> <<Node.js>> <<MongoDB>> <<Axios>> <<REST API>>
[~] λ git fetch
[~] λ git status
DriveTestFinderA Selenium Python script that scrapes cancelled Ontario G1/G2 test openings and notifies the user via SMS/Phone Call. Used it to book my G2 next day!
<<Python>> <<Selenium>> <<Chromium>> <<Twilio>> <<HTML Parsing>>
[~] λ git fetch DriveTestFinder.git
[~] λ git status
WasteWizard++A cross-platform waste classifier mobile app for Region of Peel residents. Datasets and ML models developed from scratch.
<<Tensorflow>> <<Flutter>> <<MUI>> <<Mobile>> <<Selenium>> <<Firebase>>
[~] λ git fetch WasteWizard++.git
[~] λ ls[1:22:38 AM]
[~] λ [1:22:38 AM]